Items may be purchased at Carolina Dancewear, Amazon, Walmart/Target (for little tots) or any dance store of your choice.
Students may wear cover ups
*No jeans will be allowed in any dance class. Hair should be pulled back out of face and no jewelry should be worn in class.
*Boy dancers may wear any athletic top to classes and comfortable bottoms such as sweatpants, joggers or athletic pants.
Ballet, Liturgical, Jazz Classes
Age colored leotard. All leotards should be plain with no designs
Ages 3-6 (ballet pink
Ages 7-9 (grape purple. Fee added to portal and purchased by studio)
Ages 10-12 (royal blue. Fee added to portal and purchased by studio)
Ages 13 & up (black leotard)
Skin toned footless tights if wearing black dance skirt, black dance style shorts
If in ballet class, Ballet pink shoes (we will be changing to flesh toned shoes effective July 2025). It is recommended that students ages 7 and up purchase the split sole ballet shoes.
If in liturgical class, barefoot.
If in jazz class, jazz shoes should be worn with no shoe strings.
Black bottoms (may be a black dance skirt, black dance style shorts or black leggings
Cheer/Pom, Hip Hop, African, Tap
Any Miriam’s branded top (t-shirt, sweatshirt, etc). No crop tops showing bellies.
Any bottoms (joggers, sweatpants, leggings, jazz pants).
Cheer classes: Cheer shoes (your Amazon purchase. Contact studio for style number for the season)
Cheer Classes: Pom Poms (your purchase. Fee Added to portal). Contact studio for color for the season
Hip Hop Classes: Black high-top hip-hop shoes. (your purchase)
Tap classes: Tap Shoes with no shoestrings
Girls may wear leotards, unitards, fitted t-shirt, leggings, tight-fitting jazz pants, trunks (briefs).
Dancers may go barefoot; shoes are not required.
