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Dress Code

Items may be purchased at Carolina Dancewear, Amazon, Walmart/Target (for little tots) or any dance store of your choice.

Students may wear cover ups

*No jeans will be allowed in any dance class. Hair should be pulled back out of face and no jewelry should be worn in class.

*Boy dancers may wear any athletic top to classes and comfortable bottoms such as sweatpants, joggers or athletic pants.


Ballet, Liturgical, Jazz Classes

  • Age colored leotard. All leotards should be plain with no designs

    • Ages 3-6 (ballet pink

    • Ages 7-9 (grape purple. Fee added to portal and purchased by studio)

    • Ages 10-12 (royal blue. Fee added to portal and purchased by studio)

    • Ages 13 & up (black leotard)

  • Skin toned footless tights if wearing black dance skirt, black dance style shorts

  • If in ballet class, Ballet pink shoes (we will be changing to flesh toned shoes effective July 2025). It is recommended that students ages 7 and up purchase the split sole ballet shoes.

  • If in liturgical class, barefoot.

  • If in jazz class, jazz shoes should be worn with no shoe strings.

  • Black bottoms (may be a black dance skirt, black dance style shorts or black leggings


Cheer/Pom, Hip Hop, African, Tap

  • Any Miriam’s branded top (t-shirt, sweatshirt, etc). No crop tops showing bellies.

  • Any bottoms (joggers, sweatpants, leggings, jazz pants).

  • Cheer classes: Cheer shoes (your Amazon purchase. Contact studio for style number for the season)

  • Cheer Classes: Pom Poms (your purchase. Fee Added to portal). Contact studio for color for the season

  • Hip Hop Classes: Black high-top hip-hop shoes. (your purchase)

  • Tap classes: Tap Shoes with no shoestrings



  • Girls may wear leotards, unitards, fitted t-shirt, leggings, tight-fitting jazz pants, trunks (briefs).

  • Dancers may go barefoot; shoes are not required.

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